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About the IBB Group

Our Group and more at a glance

In 2021, the Federal State of Berlin established IBB Unternehmensverwaltung Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts (IBB UV) by law. Virtually overnight, Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) was transformed from the parent company into a subsidiary of IBB UV. As part of this reorganisation, all of IBB’s former subsidiaries were also transferred to IBB UV. Together they form the IBB Group.

IBB Unternehmensverwaltung

IBB UV is a financial holding company within the meaning of the German Banking Act (KWG, Kreditwesengesetz) and is subject to supervision by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. It is the superordinate company of the IBB Group under regulatory law. The Federal State of Berlin is the owner of IBB UV

  • In addition to managing its subsidiaries, IBB UV also assumes responsibility for IBB’s ownership as well as for establishing, acquiring, holding and managing equity interests in companies, in as far as these perform tasks that IBB is required to fulfil pursuant to the Law Establishing Investitionsbank Berlin as an Incorporated Institution under Public Law. It also provides services for these companies, such as management, personnel and auditing services. It does not engage in banking business. The IBB Group is a group under commercial law with IBB UV as the parent company.

    IBB UV’s executive bodies are the Management Board, the Administrative Board and the Owner Meeting. Dr. Hinrich Holm has been appointed Chairman of the Management Board and Angeliki Krisilion and Dr. Stephan Brandt have been appointed as members of the Management Board. The Management Board manages IBB UV’s business in its own responsibility and subject to law, the memorandum and articles of association, the guidelines adopted by the Administrative Board, as well as the business rules applicable to it.

  • The IBB Group’s paramount goal is defined by the promotional function provided by law.

    Its goals in detail:

    • Manage investments economically
    • Strengthen Berlin sustainably by managing the city’s participations
    • Improve the efficiency of investment management and optimise business development tasks within the Group

    The IBB Group has identified corresponding measures for the respective goals. In addition to IBB, the scope of regulation of the Group-wide business strategy also includes investments in the area of bank-related promotional business, i.e., IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, IBB Business Team GmbH and IBB Capital GmbH.

Structure of the Group

The new structure made it possible to separate heavily regulated banking business from investment business, which requires less regulation, and thus to improve the operational and strategic performance of the IBB Group

IBB UV is broken down as follows:

  • Investitionsbank Berlin AöR
  • Banking-related promotional business
  • Location and other economic development measures and
  • Fund participations held in conjunction with business development tasks.
The IBB Group - organisation chart of the IBB Unternehmensverwaltung (IBB UV)

Investments of IBB UV

The IBB Group’s main holdings for the implementation of the development mandate of the Federal State of Berlin include Investitionsbank Berlin, IBB Business Team GmbH, IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH and IBB Capital GmbH.

Investitionsbank Berlin

Logo Investitionsbank Berlin

Wholly owned subsidiary of IBB UV

IBB is the business development bank of the Federal State of Berlin. IBB promotes and finances investment projects on behalf of the Federal State of Berlin in order to improve economic, ecological and social living conditions in Berlin and thereby advance sustainable development. In addition to business development as well as housing and urban development, the bank’s portfolio will be expanded in 2022 to include labour market promotion.

Banking-related promotional business

  • Wholly owned subsidiary

    Logo IBB Ventures

    IBB Ventures has been providing venture capital to innovative Berlin-based companies since 1997 and has established itself as the market leader in early-stage financing in Berlin. IBB Ventures is the umbrella brand for the VC activities of IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft.

  • Wholly owned subsidiary

    Logo der IBB Business Team GmbH

    On behalf of the Federal State of Berlin and IBB, IBB Business Team GmbH offers a wide range of funding programmes in the areas of business development and start-ups, innovation, digitalisation, energy, mobility and sustainability, as well as consulting for start-ups, SMEs and property owners in Berlin. The company also organises the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition (BPW) and the German Founder and Entrepreneurs’ Days (deGUT).

    These support offers aim to reinforce Berlin as an innovative location and start-up metropolis and to advance both climate protection and the energy transition.

  • Wholly owned subsidiary

    Logo IBB Capital

    IBB Capital GmbH was established in 2020 to invest in start-ups in Berlin and to grant convertible loans on behalf of the Federal State of Berlin as part of the Covid emergency aid programme. The 'BerlinInno-Growth (BIG)' programme offers further equity financing opportunities for follow-up financing rounds in the extensive existing portfolio, with a focus on innovative and high-growth start-ups.

    All the programmes are carried out together with private investors whose investments are leveraged with public funds/hedges – including funds from the Federal Government, the Federal State of Berlin and KfW.

Location and other economic development measures

  • Shareholding: 31.5 %

    Logo Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technolgogie, Hochformat

    In close cooperation with the other institutions of the Federal State of Berlin, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH offers business and technology funding for companies, investors and scientific institutions in Berlin while conducting the central marketing of Berlin as location for business on behalf of the Federal State of Berlin. The company’s business service supports investors moving to Berlin as well as Berlin-based companies during their technology transfer, networking, internationalisation and location consolidation efforts. Marketing the capital city helps to strengthen Berlin’s future prospects at regional, national and international level, establishing the capital city as a strong brand.

  • Shareholding: 25%

    Logo Visit Berlin

    Founded in 1993, Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH (BTK) promotes Berlin’s tourist attractions worldwide and supports convention business which is so important for the capital city. Under the ‘Visit Berlin’ brand name, BTK positions Berlin as a globally attractive destination for international convention business and city tourism.

  • Shareholding: 50%

    Logo Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg

    Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH (MBB) is the first point of contact for the film and media industry in the capital region. In addition to film funding, the company is helping to develop the city as a media location while supporting media-related projects and the development of gaming, web and mobile content. IBB UV is one of the shareholders of Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH, together with Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg.

  • Shareholding: 100%

    Since early 2020, DAB Digitalagentur Berlin GmbH (DAB) – as the central coordination office – has been supporting the digital transformation of companies in Berlin. Orientation talks, webinars and other event formats are offered, and the company acts as a guide to other offers and services in Berlin’s digitalisation ecosystem. DAB’s services are free of charge. DAB has also created a contact point for IT security and operates the free ‘Cyberhotline’ as the first point of contact for companies in Berlin affected by cybercrime.

  • The purpose of the company, which was established in 2024, is to promote Berlin as a financial and technology location, in particular the formation of a substantive and physical network of start-ups, established companies, academia, educational institutions and society in relevant topics of finance and technology. The company is also working to promote the organisation of knowledge transfer in Berlin’s fintech industry ecosystem, financial literacy as well as targeted location marketing. The aim is to consolidate Berlin as a leading European FinTech hub.

    The company is organised as a public-private partnership model.

Fund participations

  • Logo EU Malaria Fund control Malaria

    In 2019, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB), together with the kENUP Foundation as fund initiator and the IBB Group, established the EU Malaria Fund Berlin (EUMF). The fund aims to bridge the gap between research and the market by financing companies or projects involved in research and development projects for malaria diagnosis, prevention and treatment. This was carried out by providing mezzanine financing (venture loans) to European companies active in research and product development for malaria control. Starting in 2019, the IBB Group established the fund companies and implemented the governance structure for the fund.

    The EU Malaria Fund is managed by a company of the IBB Group. The fund manager of the EUMF, EMM EU Malaria Fund Berlin Managementgesellschaft mbH, is an investment of ipal Gesellschaft für Patentverwertung Berlin mbH. The fund has invested in five companies with a total of six projects in the field of malaria control and secondary utilisation and will expire in 2029.

  • Since 2021, the IBB Group has held a EUR 1 million stake in the European Social Innovation and Impact Fund (ESIIF). The IBB Group is involved in the fund together with other public and private investors. The fund is guaranteed under the European Investment Fund (EIF). For several years now, Berlin, in particular, has become Germany’s hotspot for social enterprises and other impact investments. With its participation, the IBB Group aims to facilitate access to financing and funding for social enterprises and to help promote sustainable investments. The fund is managed by Berlin-based avesco Financial Services AG.

    With a target volume of EUR 12 million, the fund finances early-stage social enterprises (as defined by the EU) based in EU countries (at least 50% in Germany).

  • Affiliated company with a 19.9% shareholding

    The IBB Group holds a 19,9% share in the liable capital of this VC fund. The fund focuses on investments and the management of participations in portfolio companies with a focus on the life sciences sector, in particular, medical technology, pharmaceuticals and services. The purpose of the IBB Group’s participation in Peppermint CBF is to improve the financing conditions for young technology-oriented companies in the life sciences/healthcare industry and thus to fulfil the IBB Group’s funding mission in Berlin’s healthcare cluster.


Isabelle Boddeutsch

Division head of Office of the Managing Board & Group Development

Isabelle Boddeutsch, Investitionsbank Berlin